To those I turn to for 'creative solace,' perhaps their gaze or presence will give me the key to help me out of a problem. I use them as a remedy for acute ailments prone to becoming chronic, and they help me, they help me a lot. When one day nothing comes to mind... Paint a portrait.

Drowned man / 16X20 inches / Acrylics, oil sticks on canvas / 2023

Ellos mienten I (they lie I) / 16X20 inches / Acrylics, charcoal, oil sticks on canvas / 2022

Ellos mienten II (they lie II) / 16X20 inches / Acrylics, charcoal, oil sticks on canvas/ 2022

Rafael Antonio / 16X20 inches / Acrylics, charcoal, oil sticks on canvas / 2022

Muchacha / 16X20 inches / Acrylics, charcoal, oil sticks on canvas / 2022